김승주 부교수
Kim, SeungJu
연구자 프로파일(PURE)
- 국군간호사관학교(BSN)
- 연세대학교 일반대학원 보건학과(PhD)
만성질환 관리, 지역 간 건강 격차, 보건정책, 의료의 질, 간호 인력
- The effect of fragmented cancer care and change in nurse staffing grade on cancer patient mortality. WORLDVIEWS ON EVIDENCE-BASED NURSING, 2023.
- Relationship between lifestyle changes due to the COVID-19 pandemic and depression: Nationwide population-based research using Community Health Survey data in South Korea. PRIMARY CARE DIABETES, 2023.
- Cancer care patterns in South Korea: Types of hospital where patients receive care and outcomes using national health insurance claims data. CANCER MEDICINE, 2023.
- The effect of continuity of care of dyslipidaemia patients on preventable hospitalisation and healthcare expenditures. HEALTH & SOCIAL CARE IN THE COMMUNITY, 2022.
- Effect of primary care-level chronic disease management policy on self-management of patients with hypertension and diabetes in Korea. PRIMARY CARE DIABETES, 2022.
- Fragmentation of care and colorectal cancer survival in South Korea: comparisons according to treatment at multiple hospitals. JOURNAL OF CANCER RESEARCH AND CLINICAL ONCOLOGY, 2022.
- Health-related quality of life among cancer patients and survivors and its relationship with current employment status. SUPPORTIVE CARE IN CANCER, 2022.
- Association of institutional transition of cancer care with mortality in elderly patients with lung cancer: a retrospective cohort study using national claim data. BMC CANCER, 2022.
- Disparities in healthcare expenditures according to economic status in cancer patients undergoing end-of-life care. BMC CANCER, 2022.
- The association between nurse staffing level and length of stay in general ward and intensive care unit in Korea. APPLIED NURSING RESEARCH, 2022.
- Lipid-lowering drug adherence and combination therapy effects on gastrointestinal cancer in patients with dyslipidemia without diabetes: a retrospective cohort study in South Korea. BMC CANCER, 2022.
- Regional and income disparities in treatment and drug adherence of patients with dyslipidemia: a retrospective cohort study in South Korea, 2003-2015. BMC GERIATRICS, 2021.
- Does low income effects 5-year mortality of hepatocellular carcinoma patients?. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR EQUITY IN HEALTH, 2021.
- Do Patients Residing in Provincial Areas Transport and Spend More on Cancer Treatment in Korea?. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH, 2021.
- Is time-to-treatment associated with higher mortality in Korean elderly lung cancer patients?. HEALTH POLICY, 2021.
- Post-Diagnostic Statin Use Reduces Mortality in South Korean Patients with Dyslipidemia and Gastrointestinal Cancer. JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MEDICINE, 2021.
- Do cholesterol levels and continuity of statin use affect colorectal cancer incidence in older adults under 75 years of age?. PLOS ONE, 2021.
- Association between early treatment hospitals, serum cholesterol level and cardiovascular disease risk in dyslipidemia patients. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH, 2021.
- Does Delaying Time in Cancer Treatment Affect Mortality? A Retrospective Cohort Study of Korean Lung and Gastric Cancer Patients. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH, 2021.
- Regional Prevalence of Dyslipidemia, Healthcare Utilization, and Cardiovascular Disease Risk in South Korean: A Retrospective Cohort Study. International journal of environmental research and public health 2021;18(2):E538.
- Regional factors associated with the prevalence of metabolic syndrome: Focusing on the role of healthcare providers. Health & Social Care in the Community 2021;29(1):104-112.
- Are serum cholesterol levels associated with cognitive impairment and depression in elderly individuals without dementia?: A retrospective cohort study in South Korea. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 2021;36(1):163-73.
- Association between early treatment hospitals, serum cholesterol level and cardiovascular disease risk in dyslipidemia patients. European Journal of Public Health 2020.
- Instability in daily life and depression: The impact of sleep variance between weekday and weekend in South Korean workers. Health & Social Care in the Community 2020;28(3):874-82.
- Do cost containment policies save money and influence physicians’ prescribing behavior? Lessons from South Korea’s drug policy for diabetes medication. International Journal for Quality in Health Care 2019;31(2):96-102.
- Governmental designation of emergency medical institutes: 30 days mortality by types of designation. Journal of the Neurological Sciences 2019;397:162-8.
- The association of under-weight and obesity with mortality after hip arthroplasty. Age and Ageing 2019;48(1):94-100.
- The association between migraine and types of sleep disorder. International journal of environmental research and public health 2018;15(12):2648.
- Does the active use of nutrition labeling reduce the risk of diabetes mellitus? Results of insulin resistance using Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. Primary Care Diabetes 2018;12(5):445-52.
- Early Impact on Outpatients of Mandatory Adoption of the Diagnosis‐Related Group‐Based Reimbursement System in Korea on Use of Outpatient Care: Differences in Medical Utilization and Presurgery Examination. Health services research 2018;53(4):2064-83.
- Toward safer prescribing: evaluation of a prospective drug utilization review system on inappropriate prescriptions, prescribing patterns, and adverse drug events and related health expenditure in South Korea. Public health 2018;163:128-36.
- Do Reduced Copayments Affect Mortality after Surgery due to Stroke? An Interrupted Time Series Analysis of a National Cohort Sampled in 2003-2012. Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases 2018;27(6):1502-10.
- Do Fraud Investigations Impact Healthcare Expenditures of Medical Institutions?: An Interrupted Time Series Analysis of Healthcare Costs in Korea. 2018.
- Changes in prescription pattern, pharmaceutical expenditure and quality of care after introduction of reimbursement restriction in diabetes in Korea. The European Journal of Public Health 2018;28(2):209-14.
- The association between low level of high-density lipoprotein cholesterol and mood disorder using time-dependent analysis. Journal of Affective Disorders 2018;225:317-25.
- Medical costs, Cesarean delivery rates, and length of stay in specialty hospitals vs. non-specialty hospitals in South Korea. PloS one 2017;12(11):e0188612.
- The effects of patient education on patient safety: can we change patient perceptions and attitudes?: Lessons from the Armed Forces Capital Hospital in Korea. International Journal for Quality in Health Care 2017;29(3):392-8.
- How did market competition affect outpatient utilization under the diagnosis-related group-based payment system? International Journal for Quality in Health Care 2017;29(3):399-405.
- Pay-for-performance reduces healthcare spending and improves quality of care: Analysis of target and non-target obstetrics and gynecology surgeries. International Journal for Quality in Health Care 2017;29(2):222-7.
- 국제학술대회(포스터). The effect of nursing policy on nursing grade and inpatient mortalityin the intensive care unit. The 14th International Nursing Conference 2023, 2023.
- 국내학술대회(구연). Effect of primary care-level chronic disease management policy on self-management of patients with hypertension and diabetes in Korea. 2023년 지역 간 건강격차 원인 규명과 해소를 위한 5개학회 제3차 공동학술대회, 2023.
- 국제학술대회(포스터). Do better nurse staffs improve outcomes in cancer care?. 2023 AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting, 2023.
- 간호학연구에서의 보건의료빅데이터 활용. 기본간호학회 동계학술대회, 2022.
- 국내학술대회(구연). 만성질환관리사업의 도입과 당뇨 및 고혈압 환자의 지역별 관리 형평성 평가. 2021년 한국지역사회간호학회 동계학술대회, 2021.
- 국내학술대회(구연). 만성질환 관리사업의 도입과 당뇨 및 고혈압 환자의 지역별 관리 형평성 평가. 2021년 지역 간 건강격차 원인 규명과 해소를 위한 학술활동 촉진사업 5개학회 제 1차 공동학술대회, 2021.