이향열 부교수
Lee, Hyang Yuol
- 서울대학교 간호대학 (BSN)
- 서울대학교 대학원 간호학과 (MSN)
- University of California, San Francisco (PhD)
- University of California, San Francisco (Post-Doc)
"커뮤니티 케어" 지역사회 돌봄 정책, 지역사회 보건의료 시스템 및 간호인력 정책, 병원 및 장기요양시설 시스템, 지역사회 및 병원 간호시스템, 가정간호 및 간호교육 시스템
- Lee SB(이새별), Lee HY*. Impact of pressure ulcer prevention knowledge and attitude on the care performance of long-term care facility care workers: a cross-sectional multicenter study. BMC Geriatr. 2022 Dec 21;22(1):988. doi: 10.1186/s12877-022-03702-3. PMID: 36544097; PMCID: PMC9769059.
- Kim YE(김영은), Lee HY*. The effects of an emergency department length-of-stay management system on severely ill patients' treatment outcomes. BMC Emerg Med. 2022 Dec 13;22(1):204. doi: 10.1186/s12873-022-00760-z. PMID: 36513973; PMCID: PMC9745968.
- Kim A(김안나), Jung HS, Lee HY*. The Effect of Child Care Teachers’ COVID-19 Infection Control Job Stress on Burnout - A Comparison of Two Childcare Facilities Grouped with or without Nurses -. Korean Journal of Occupational Health. Vol 4, No 3: 111~126. (2022.08)
- Kim SM(김세미), Jung HS, Lee HJ, Lee HY*. The Effect of Workers’ Occupational Health Knowledge on the Perception of Job Importance of Occupational Health Manager -In the Medium Sized Manufacturing Enterprises-. Korean Journal of Occupational Health. Vol 4, No 1: 27~40. (2022.04)
- Choi SA(최신애), Jung HS, Baek E, Lee HJ, Lee HY*. Effects of Electronics Installation and Repair Onsite Technicians’ Perception of Risks to COVID-19 on Their Fears. Korean Journal of Occupational Health. Vol 3, No 2: 37~48. DOI : 10.35861/KJOH.2021.3.2.37 (2021.08.31)
- Hyang Yuol Lee*. A New Paradigm for Care Coordination of Patients with Diabetes Mellitus: Linkage and Application Strategies to Available Resources between the Hospital and the Community. The Journal of Korean Diabetes. Vol 22, No 2: 134-141.
- Jo A(조아라), Jung HS, Lee HY*. The Effect of Health Beliefs on Special Medical Examination Satisfaction for Chemical Research Worker. Korean Journal of Occupational Health. Vol 3, No 1: 13~23. DOI : 10.35861/KJOH.2021.3.1.13 (2021.04)
- Heo H(허현숙), Lee K, Jung E, Lee H*. Developing the First Telenursing Service for COVID-19 Patients: The Experience of South Korea. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2021 Jun 26;18(13):6885. doi: 10.3390/ijerph18136885. PMID: 34206977; PMCID: PMC8296892.
- Kim SH(김선홍), Lee HY*, Lee SY, Lee BS. Development and Validation of a Sexual-Outlook Questionnaire (SOQ) for Adult Populations in the Republic of Korea. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2020 Nov 23;17(22):8681. doi: 10.3390/ijerph17228681. PMID: 33238440; PMCID: PMC7700134.
- Kim HW(김혜원), Kim DH, Lee HY*, Lee YJ, Ahn HY. Adult Perceptions of Healthy Pregnancy: A Focus-Group Study. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2020 Apr 3;17(7):2460. doi: 10.3390/ijerph17072460. PMID: 32260300; PMCID: PMC7178235.
- Park HY(박화연), Kim JY, Koo HY, Han J, Jun JH, Lee W, Na KY, Lee HY, Pak Y, Jang S, Kim S, Jeong C, Nam T. Evaluation of a Telehealth Counseling Program for Expatriates. Telemed J E Health. 2019 Aug;25(8):693-700. doi: 10.1089/tmj.2018.0082. Epub 2018 Sep 6. PMID: 30192207; PMCID: PMC6684024.
- Lee HY, Kim JY, Na KY, Park HY, Han J, Pak Y, Nam B, Pae CH, Lee J, Lim TH, Lee D. The role of telehealth counselling with mobile self-monitoring on blood pressure reduction among overseas Koreans with high blood pressure in Vietnam. J Telemed Telecare. 2019 May;25(4):241-248. doi: 10.1177/1357633X18780559. Epub 2018 Jun 22. PMID: 29933721.
- Lee HY, Shin JH. Public Reporting on the Quality Ratings of Nursing Homes in the Republic of Korea. J Korean Acad Nurs. 2019 Apr;49(2):161-170. doi: 10.4040/jkan.2019.49.2.161. PMID: 31064969.
- Kim HW, Lee HY*, Kim SE, Ahn HY, Kim YH, Lee YJ. Perceptions of nurses on human papillomavirus vaccinations in the Republic of Korea. PLoS One. 2019 Feb 6;14(2):e0211475. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0211475. PMID: 30726267; PMCID: PMC6364919.
- Lee HY*, Kim EM. Improving Quality of Care in Nursing Homes. Korean Public Health Research Vol. 44, No. 1, pp. 75~82. DOI : 10.22900/kphr.2018.44.1.006
- In Sun Ryou, Ju Young Kim, Hwa Yeon Park, Jinah Han, Yuliya Pak, Hyang Yuol Lee, Hyun Jung Baek, Ju Yeon Lee, Sung Hee Chang, Jung Hun Lee, Ji Soo Choe. A Qualitative Study on Utilization and Unmet Needs of Healthcare Service for Overseas Koreans in Vietnam. Korean J Fam Pract. 2018;8(4): 585-592.
- Yu M(유미), Lee HY, Sherwood G, Kim E. Nurses' handoff and patient safety culture in perinatal care units: Nurses' handoff evaluation and perception of patient safety culture at delivery room and neonatal unit in South Korea. J Clin Nurs. 2018 Apr;27(7-8):e1442-e1450. doi: 10.1111/jocn.14260. PMID: 29314429.
- Moon Suk Cho, Hyang Yuol Lee*. Factors Associated with Injuries after Inpatient Falls in a Tertiary Hospital. J Korean Clin Nurs Res. 2017, vol. 23, no. 2, pp. 202-210. DOI : 10.22650/JKCNR.2017.23.2.202
- Moon Suk Cho, Hyang Yuol Lee*. Construction of Telemedicine Service Model in Home Healthcare. Korean Public Health Research Vol. 43, No. 2, pp. 81~101. (2017. 5. 31) DOI : 10.22900/kphr.2017.43.2.007
- Lee HY, Shin JH, Harrington C. Comparing the nurse staffing in Korean and U.S. nursing homes. Nurs Outlook. 2015 Mar-Apr;63(2):137-43. doi: 10.1016/j.outlook.2014.08.005. Epub 2014 Aug 14. PMID: 25261384.
- Kim EM, Kim SH, Lee HY*. Understanding Perceptions of Nursing Handover among Korean Nurses. Korean Public Health Research. 40(4): 41-49. (2014 Nov) 대한보건협회 (kpha.or.kr)
- Kim EM, Yu M, Lee HY, Ko JW, CHO E, Kim ES. Development of Nursing Handoff Practice Guideline and Standards for Korean Hospital. Journal of Korean Clinical Nursing Research Vol. 20, No 1, pp1-14. (2014 April)
- Lee HY*, Blegen MA, Harrington C. The effects of RN staffing hours on nursing home quality: a two-stage model. Int J Nurs Stud. 2014 Mar;51(3):409-17. doi: 10.1016/j.ijnurstu.2013.10.007. Epub 2013 Oct 14. PMID: 24182619.
- 김선호, 김은만, 최윤경, 이향열, 박미미, 조의영, 김을순. An Exploration about Current Nursing Handover Practice in Korean Hospitals. Journal of Korean Clinical Nursing Research Vol. 19, No 2, pp181-194.
- Lee HY*, Blegen M, Harrington C. Factors Associated with Nurse Staffing Levels in Nursing Homes. Korean Public Health Research. 38(1):57-68. (2012.05.31) 대한보건협회 (kpha.or.kr) DOI : 10.22900/kphr.2012.38.1.006
- Kitchener M, O'Meara J, Brody A, Lee HY, Harrington C. Shareholder value and the performance of a large nursing home chain. Health Serv Res. 2008 Jun;43(3):1062-84. doi: 10.1111/j.1475-6773.2007.00818.x. Epub 2007 Dec 20. PMID: 18454781; PMCID: PMC2442234.
- Kitchener M, Ng T, Lee HY, Harrington C. Assistive technology in medicaid home- and community-based waiver programs. Gerontologist. 2008 Apr;48(2):181-9. doi: 10.1093/geront/48.2.181. PMID: 18483430.
- Tsoukalas T, Rudder C, Mollot RJ, Shineman M, Lee HY, Harrington C. The collection and use of funds from civil money penalties and fines from nursing homes. Gerontologist. 2006 Dec;46(6):759-71. doi: 10.1093/geront/46.6.759. PMID: 17169931.
*Corresponding author
- 보건의약관계법규 : 간호사 국가시험 대비 핵심문제집. 수문사, 2023.
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- 국제학술대회(포스터). Predicting Home and Community based Service Utilization in the Republic of Korea from 2014 to 2019. The 13th International Nursing Conference 2021, 2021.
- 국제학술대회(구연). Predicting Health Expenditures of Home- and Community-based Care Programs Using National Insurance Reimbursement Data. The 13th International Nursing Conference 2021, 2021.
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