University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, School of Nursing (MSN)
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, School of Nursing (PhD)
간호윤리와 관리
Teaching Christian values in a professional school using Good Samaritan model. JOURNAL OF BELIEFS AND VALUES, 2023.
Effects of advance care planning training on advanced practice nurse students? knowledge, confidence, and perception of end-of-life care: A mixed-method study. NURSE EDUCATION IN PRACTICE, 2023.
병원 간호사의 환자안전사건 소통하기에 대한 인식. 인격주의 생명윤리, 2023.
간호사의 연명의료에 대한 지식 측정도구 개발. THE KOREAN ACADEMIC SOCIETY OF ADULT NURSING(성인간호학회지), 2022.
가정전문간호사의 자아존중감, 영적안녕이 영적간호수행에 미치는 영향. 가정간호학회지(JOURNAL OF KOREAN ACADEMIC SOCIETY OF HOME HEALTH CARE NURSING), 2021.
Advance care planning for older adults in community-based settings: An umbrella review. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF OLDER PEOPLE NURSING, 2021.
The Acceptability and Effect of a Communication-Based Advance Care Planning Program for Older Adults. JOURNAL OF HOSPICE & PALLIATIVE NURSING, 2021.
Feasibility of an Advance Care Planning Program (ACP) for Korean Community-Dwelling Older Adults and ACP Training of Advance Practice Nurses. JOURNAL OF COMMUNITY HEALTH NURSING, 2021.
중환자실 간호사가 경험하는 말기환자간호의 어려움과 도덕적 고뇌, 소진 및 직무만족과의 관계. 간호행정학회지, 2019.
Hospice care education needs of nursing home staff in South Korea: a cross-sectional study. BMC PALLIATIVE CARE, 2019.
An ethical leadership program for nursing unit managers. NURSE EDUCATION TODAY, 2018.
임종기 환자 의료 결정에 대한 의사의 태도: 완화적 진정을 중심으로, 한국의료윤리학회지(구 한국의료윤리교육학회지), 2016.
Effectiveness of a case-based computer program on students’ ethical decision making. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 2015.
Prevalence and perpetrators of workplace violence by nursing unit and the relationship between violence and the perceived work environment. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 2015.
A comparison of ethical issues in nursing practice across nursing units. Nursing Ethics, 2014.
Average hospital length of stay, nurses' work demands, and their health and Job outcomes. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 2014.
Newly graduated nurses' job satisfaction: comparison with allied hospital professionals, social workers, and elementary school teachers. Asian Nursing Research, 2012.
The relationship of ethics education to moral sensitivity and moral reasoning skills of nursing students. Nursing Ethics, 2012.
Subject recruitment and retention against quadruple challenges in an intervention trial of End-of-Life communication. Journal of Hospice and Palliative Nursing, 2010.
A retention strategy for newly graduated nurses: An integrative review of orientation programs. Journal for Nurses in Staff Development. 2010
The legal basis of nursing ethics education. Journal of Nursing Law, 2009.
Ethical issues in nursing practice. Journal of Nursing Law, 2009.
호스피스 완화돌봄. 현문사, 2022.
한올지기 사전돌봄계획 프로그램 : 한올지기 중재자를 위한 가이드북. 포널스출판사, 2022.
CMC임상의료윤리위원회 표준내규 및 운영지침침. 가톨릭중앙의료원(CMC), 2021.
간호사를 위한 창업 교과서 : 병원을 나선 간호사 19인의 생생한 스타트업 스토리. 학지사메디컬, 2020.
생명윤리학. 학지사메디컬, 2018.
(생명윤리에 기초한) 간호전문직 윤리. 대한간호협회, 2018.
좋은 간호사 더 좋은 간호 : 대한민국 간호사의 생생한 긍정의 힘. 정담미디어 : 학지사, 2017.
간호윤리학. 학지사, 2014.
사례중심으로 본 가톨릭 임상의료윤리 가이드. 가톨릭중앙의료원, 2014.
간호사가 된다는 것. 현문사, 2012.
국제학술대회(구연). 간호학생의 간호전문직관 교육 사례. 한국의료윤리학회 추계학술대회, 2023.
국제학술대회(포스터). Measurement Properties of Patient-reported Outomce Measures for Advance Care Planningg in Older People: A COSMIN Systematic Review. 15th Asia Pacific Hospice Palliative Care Conference 2023, 2023.
국제학술대회(포스터). Psychometric evaluation of the Korean version of advance care planning engagement survey. 8th International Conference on Advance Care Planning, 2023.
초고령사회의 도래: 호스피스 서비스 이용률 50%를 위한 정책 제언. 2022 한국호스피스 완화의료학회 정기총회 및 동계학술대회, 2022
장기이식 윤리적 갈등 대안 및 윤리 교육의 필요성. 2022년 제5차 생명잇기 대한이식학회 공동주최 세미나, 2022
The educational effort for parish home care nurses to facilitate end-of-life care for older adults in communities. 2022 CICIAMS XXI World Congress, 2022
국제학술대회(구연). Ethical issues in end of life care. 10th Golbal Breast Cancer Conference, 2021
국제학술대회(포스터). Effects of advance care planning training for advanced practice nurse students in South Korea. 13 th Intertantional Nursing Conference 2021 (Virtual conference), 2021