University of Maryland at Baltimore, School of Nursing (PhD)
중환자간호, 응급간호, 환자안전, 환자성과
체계적 문헌고찰 & 메타분석, 근거중심 가이드라인
데이터 마이닝, 임상의사결정지원시스템
Data-driven approach to predicting the risk of pressure injury: A retrospective analysis based on changes in patient conditions. JOURNAL OF CLINICAL NURSING, 2023.
전자의무기록 데이터와 머신러닝 기법을 활용한 중환자실 사망 예측모델 개발. JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN DATA ANALYSIS SOCIETY, 2023.
Patient Factors That Influence Reliable Delirium Assessments in a Medical Intensive Care Unit During the Routine Clinical Practice. CLINICAL NURSING RESEARCH, 2023.
Effect on Quality of Care of a Delirium Prevention Campaign for Surgical Intensive Care Nurses. JOURNAL OF NURSING CARE QUALITY, 2021.
Automated Fall and Pressure Injury Risk Assessment Systems Nurses' Experiences, Perspectives, and Lessons Learned. CIN-COMPUTERS INFORMATICS NURSING, 2021.
Medication Use and Risk of Delirium in Mechanically Ventilated Patients . CLINICAL NURSING RESEARCH, 2021.
Risk factors and outcomes of sepsis-associated delirium in intensive care unit patients: A secondary data analysis. INTENSIVE AND CRITICAL CARE NURSING, 2020.
혈액내과 입원 환자의 낙상 위험 요인과 환자 결과:전자의무기록 분석. 기본간호학회지, 2019.
Operative and anaesthetic factors influencing on delirium in the intensive care unit: An Analysis of electronic health records. JOURNAL OF CLINICAL NURSING, 2019.
Impact of Pressure Injuries on Patient Outcomes in a Korean Hospital: A Case-Control Study. JOURNAL OF WOUND, OSTOMY AND CONTINENCE NURSING, 2019.
Medication Use and Risk of Delirium in Mechanically Ventilated Patients. CLINICAL NURSING RESEARCH, 2019.
Development and Evaluation of the Automated Risk Assessment System for Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infection. CIN-COMPUTERS INFORMATICS NURSING, 2019.
섬망이 중환자실 환자결과에 미치는 영향: 경로 분석. JOURNAL OF KOREAN ACADEMY OF NURSING(대한간호학회지), 2019.
Usefulness of the Braden Scale in Intensive Care Units: A Study Based on Electronic Health Record Data. JOURNAL OF NURSING CARE QUALITY, 2018.
Development and evaluation of the automated risk assessment system for multidrug-resistant organisms (autoRAS-MDRO). JOURNAL OF HOSPITAL INFECTION, 2018.
Triggers and nursing influences on delirium in intensive care units. NURSING IN CRITICAL CARE, 2018.
Development and validation of an automated delirium risk assessment system (Auto-DelRAS) implemented in the electronic health record system. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NURSING STUDIES, 2018.
Automated Medication Error Risk Assessment System (Auto-MERAS). JOURNAL OF NURSING CARE QUALITY, 2018.
Automated Pressure Injury Risk Assessment System Incorporated Into an Electronic Health. NURSING RESEARCH, 2017.
Longitudinal evaluation of johns hopkins fall risk assessment tool and nurses' experience. JOURNAL OF NURSING CARE QUALITY, 2017.
외과중환자실 환자의 천미골에 적용한 보호필름 드레싱의 예방적 효과, 기본간호학회지, 2016.
Development and evaluation of an automated fall risk assessment system, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR QUALITY IN HEALTH CARE, 2016.
Development and Validation of an Automated Sepsis Risk Assessment System, RESEARCH IN NURSING & HEALTH, 2016.
Automatic delirium prediction system and nursing-sensitive outcomes in the medical intensive care unit. Clinical Nursing Research, 2015.
Evaluating the validity of the braden scale using longitudinal electronic medical records. Research in Nursing, 2015.
The effects of a tailored intensive care unit delirium prevention protocol: A randomized controlled trial. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 2015.
Trigger factors and outcomes of falls among Korean hospitalized patients: Analysis of electronic medical record. Clinical Nursing Research, 2015.
Automatic delirium prediction system in a Korean surgical intensive care unit. Nursing in Critical Care, 2014.
Effectiveness of nursing management Information systems: A systematic review. Healthcare Informatics Research, 2014.
Is delirium an unrecognized threat to patient safety in Korean intensive care units. Journal of Nursing Care Quality, 2014.
Validity of the Morse Fall Scale implemented in an electronic medical record system, Journal of Clinical Nursing, 2014.
The experience of delirium care and clinical feasibility of the CAM-ICU in a Korean ICU, Clinical Nursing Research, 2013.
Clinical decision support systems for patient safety: A focus group needs assessment with Korean ICU nurses. CIN-Computers Informatics Nursing, 2011.
Risk factors and a predictive model for thyroid cancer in Korean women. Cancer Nursing, 2010.
인공호흡기 관련 감염관리 교육이 중환자실 간호사의 감염관리 수행도와 폐렴발생에 미치는 효과. 중환자간호학회지, 2010.
중환자실 섬망 예방을 위한 근거중심 간호중재 프로토콜 개발. 임상간호연구, 2010.
A meta-analysis of fear of falling treatment programs for the elderly. Western Journal of Nursing Research, 2009.
BMI and breast cancer in Korean women: A meta-analysis. Asian Nursing Research, 2009.
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임상에서의 데이터 마이닝 개념과 원칙. Healthcare Informatics Research, 2009.
Breast cancer risk factors in Korean women a literature review. International Nursing Review, 2008.
Comparisons of predictive modeling techniques for breast cancer in Korean women 대한의료정보학회지, 2008.
Implications of systematic review for breast cancer prediction. Cancer Nursing, 2008
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두경부암 환자의 수술 후 삶의 질에 미치는 영향요인. 임상간호연구, 2006.
암 환자와 간호사의 통증관리. 기본간호학지, 2006.
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호스피스 팀원들의 영적안녕과 영적돌봄 수행도. 기본간호학회지, 2006
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[등록] 섬망 고위험군 예측모형 시스템 및 그 예측모형 방법, 및 그것을 이용한 섬망 고위험군 예측 시스템 2013.