박한종 부교수
Park, Hanjong
- 가톨릭대학교 간호대학(BSN)
- 가톨릭대학교 대학원 간호학과(MSN)
- University of Illinois at Chicago, College of Nursing (PhD)
만성질환 간호, 당뇨예방 및 관리, 건강증진
체계적 문헌고찰 및 메타분석, web-based study
- Global prevalence of presenteeism in the nursing workforce: A meta-analysis of 28 studies from 14 countries. JOURNAL OF NURSING MANAGEMENT, 2022.
- 코로나바이러스감염증-19로 인한 두려움, 사회적 거리두기가 여성의 자살 생각에 미치는 영향: 우울의 매개효과. JOURNAL OF KOREAN ACADEMY OF NURSING(대한간호학회지), 2022.
- Body Weight Perception and Health-Related Behaviors Among U.S. Adolescents: Mediating Effects of Body Weight Control Behaviors. JOURNAL OF SCHOOL NURSING, 2022.
- The Experiences of Illness in Korean Bladder Cancer Patients With Radical Cystectomy. CANCER NURSING, 2022.
- Body Weight Perception and Health-Related Behaviors Among U.S. Adolescents: Mediating Effects of Body Weight Control Behaviors . JOURNAL OF SCHOOL NURSING, 2021.
- Parental Support and Children's Body Weight: Mediating Effects of Health Behaviors. WESTERN JOURNAL OF NURSING RESEARCH, 2020.
- Influence of Parental Attitude Toward Psychiatric Help on Their Children's Suicidal Ideation: A Convenience Sample Study on One South Korean Middle School. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH, 2020.
- Effects of Smartphone-Based Mobile Learning in Nursing Education: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. ASIAN NURSING RESEARCH, 2019.
- The Effect of Nurse's Emotional Labor on Turnover Intention: Mediation Effect of Burnout and Moderated Mediation Effect of Authentic Leadership. JOURNAL OF KOREAN ACADEMY OF NURSING(대한간호학회지), 2019.
- Relationships of Family History of Disease and Child Weight Status to Child Routines: Multimediating effect of parental feeding practices and perception of child's weight. NURSING & HEALTH SCIENCES, 2019.
- Comparisons of Laboratory Results between Two Blood Samplings: Venipuncture versus Peripheral Venous Catheter A Systematic Review with Meta-Analysis. JOURNAL OF CLINICAL NURSING, 2019.
- 자기효능감, 부부적응도 및 가족 지지가 난임부부의 양생에 미치는 자기효과와 상대방효과. 동서간호학연구지, 2018.
- Longitudinal effects of insufficient sleep on psychological problems among adolescent bullies based on Korean Child and Youth Panel Survey. ARCHIVES OF PSYCHIATRIC NURSING, 2018.
- Web-based Study for Improving Mammography among Korean American Women, Journal of Cancer Education, 2017.
- Psychometric properties of the Korean version of the infertility self-efficacy scale, Asian Nursing Research, 2017.
- Self-Report Versus Medical Record for Mammography Screening Among Minority Women, Western Journal of Nursing Research, 2016.
- Association Between Daily Time Spent in Sedentary Behavior and Duration of Hyperglycemia in Type 2 Diabetes, Biological Research for Nursing, 2016.
- Feasibility of a Web-based Suicide Awareness Program for Asian American College Students, BMJ Open, 2016.
- Korean American Women and Mammogram Uptake, Journal of Immigrant Minority Health, 2016.
- Glucose control and fatigue in type 2 diabetes: the mediating roles of diabetes symptoms and distress, Journal of Advanced Nursing, 2015.
- The effect of a couples intervention to increase breast cancer screening among Korean Americans, Oncology Nursing Forum, 2014.
- Diabetes distress may adversely affect the eating styles of women with type 1 diabetes, Acta Diabetol, 2014.
- Challenges and solutions for using informatics in research, Western Journal of Nursing Research, 2013.
- Breast cancer risk factors in Korean women: a literature review, International Nursing Review, 2008.
- Implications of systematic review for breast cancer prediction, Cancer nursing, 2008.
- Quality of life and family burden in hemopoietic stem cell transplantation recipients, The Journal of Korean Oncology Nursing, 2005
- Effects of positioning on back pain and comfort of bed rest patients after Transhepatic Arterial Chemoembolization, The Journal of Korean Academy Fundamental Nursing, 2005.
- 국제학술대회(포스터). Comparing Korean Amercian's help-seeking behaviors for their children's depression between the U.S. and Republic of Korea. 2019 International Nursing Conference, 2019.
- 국내학술대회(포스터). Single nucleotide polymorphisms associated with metabolic syndrome: literature review. 2019년 한국노인과학학술단체연합회 학술대회(한국노인간호학회), 2019.