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가톨릭대학교 간호대학



Lee, Yaelim

Maternity Nursing


Educational History
  • 가톨릭대학교 간호대학(B.S.N.)
  • University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing (MSN)
  • University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing (PhD)
  • · Certificate, College and Univ. Teaching, University of Pennsylvania
  • · Certificate, Gender, Sexuality & Women’s Study, University of Pennsylvania
Research Area

Health promotion in childbearing aged/pregnant women, cancer nursing for female patients ,transcultural nursing, technology-based research

Research results
  • Self-Care Mobile Application for South Korean Pregnant Women at Work: Development and Usability Study. RISK MANAGEMENT AND HEALTHCARE POLICY, 2022.
  • Causal Attributions and Quality of Life of Korean Breast Cancer Survivors. ASIAN NURSING RESEARCH, 2021.
  • Physiologic Changes during Sponge Bathing in Premature Infants. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH, 2021.
  • The psychological and behavioural effects of an animalassisted therapy programme in Korean older adults with dementia. PSYCHOGERIATRICS, 2020.
  • The Preliminary Efficacy of a Technology-Based Cancer Pain Management Program Among Asian American Breast Cancer Survivors. CIN-COMPUTERS INFORMATICS NURSING. 2020.
  • Effectiveness of Mobile Phone-Based Interventions for Improving Health Outcomes in Patients with Chronic Heart Failure: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH, 2020.
  • Immigration Transition and Cognitive Symptoms During Menopausal Transition. WESTERN JOURNAL OF NURSING RESEARCH, 2020.
  • Translation and Cross-Cultural Validation of Korean Version of the Menstrual Distress Questionnaire. SAGE OPEN, 2020.
  • Technology-Supported Interventions for Pregnant Women: A Systematic Review. CIN - Computers Informatics Nursing, 2019.
  • Transcultural Nursing: Current Trends in Theoretical Works. Asian Nursing Research, 2018 Effects of bathing interval on skin condition and axillary bacterial colonization in preterm infants. Applied Nursing Research, 2018.
  • Stress and premenstrual symptoms among Korean women studying in the U.S. and South Korea: A longitudinal web-based study. Women and Health, 2017.
  • Web-based interventions for menopause: A systematic integrated literature review. Maturitas, 2017.
  • A culturally tailored Internet cancer support group for Asian American breast cancer survivors: A randomized controlled pilot intervention study. Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare, 2017.
  • A path analysis of stress and premenstrual symptoms in Korean international and Korean domestic students. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 2016.
  • The effects of footbath on sleep among the older adults in nursing home: A quasi-experimental study. Complementary Therapies in Medicine, 2016.
  • Internet recruitment of Asian American breast cancer survivors. Advances in Nursing Science, 2016.
  • Stress and Premenstrual Symptoms in Reproductive-Aged Women. Health care for women international, 2016.
  • Issues in Developing and Evaluating a Culturally Tailored Internet Cancer Support Group. CIN - Computers Informatics Nursing, 2016.
  • Consistency and accuracy of multiple pain scales measured in cancer patients from multiple ethnic groups. Cancer Nursing, 2015.
  • Androgen deficiency syndrome in older people. Journal of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners, 2014.
  • Effects of bilateral passive range of motion exercise on the function of upper extremities and activities of daily living in patients with acute stroke. Journal of Physical Therapy Science, 2014.
  • Physical activities and sleep-related symptoms in 4 major racial/ethnic groups of midlife women. Family and Community Health, 2014.
  • Practical guidelines for development of web-based interventions. CIN - Computers Informatics Nursing, 2014.
  • Orthostatic hypotension in older people. Journal of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners, 2013.
  • 여성건강간호학I, 수문사, 2018.
  • 여성건강간호학II, 수문사, 2018.
  • Issues of Cancer Survivorship: An Interdisciplinary Team Approach to Care. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. 2015.
  • [출원] 임신 중 자가간호증진을 위한 관리 장치 및 방법, 2019.