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가톨릭대학교 간호대학

Lecture Room

  • 강의실(대ᆞ중)

    The college of nursing secured lecture rooms for its exclusive use, and managed them so that divided and combined lectures are smoothly operated. All lecture rooms are equipped with a state-of-the-art multimedia system (computers, control system, audio-video system, wireless microphones, projectors, and others).
    Due to the development of new teaching and learning methods (e.g., multimedia based learning and team based learning) in course management of the college of nursing, utilization of multimedia room, which is a common use space, for courses is expanding.

  • PBL실(Problem Based Learning)
    PBL(Problem-Based Learning) Room

    It is an educational space for self-directed discussion center and problem-directed learning for future competitiveness. It is designed to height develop potential creativity through open space configuration and interactions.

  • CBT실(Computer Based Test)
    CBT(Computer Based Test) Room

    The college of nursing provides computer based test room for online training and testing. Multimedia education and audio-visual testing are available at this space.