Nursing education, Sexual health, Chronic disease, Measurement
Research results
Instructional design and educational satisfaction for virtual environment simulation in undergraduate nursing education: the mediating effect of learning immersion. BMC MEDICAL EDUCATION, 2022.
Laboratory and clinical teaching experience of nursing professors in the COVID-19 pandemic era: Now and the future. FRONTIERS IN PUBLIC HEALTH, 2022.
치매 환자의 행동심리 증상완화를 위한 가상현실 프로그램의 효과. JOURNAL OF KOREAN ACADEMY OF NURSING(대한간호학회지), 2022.
Body mass index, menstruation, acne, and hirsutism of polycystic ovary syndrome in women: A cross-sectional study. HEALTH CARE FOR WOMEN INTERNATIONAL, 2022
Activity Preferences Among Older People With Dementia Residing in Nursing Homes. FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY, 2022.
Nursing students’ Psychological Safety in High fidelity Simulations: Development of a new scale for psychometric evaluation. NURSE EDUCATION TODAY, 2021.
Nursing students' experiences of psychological safety in simulation education: A qualitative study. NURSE EDUCATION IN PRACTICE, 2021.
Interaction of Socio-demographic Characteristics on Acceptance of Disability Among Individuals With Physical Disabilities. FRONTIERS IN PSYCHIATRY, 2021.
Developing a virtual reality for people with dementia in nursing homes based on their psychological needs: a feasibility study. BMC GERIATRICS, 2021.
The Effectiveness of Peer Learning in Undergraduate Nursing Students: A Meta-Analysis. CLINICAL SIMULATION IN NURSING, 2021.
Activity limitation in children with cerebral palsy and parenting stress, depression, and self-esteem: A structural equation model. PEDIATRICS INTERNATIONAL, 2020.
Healthcare Professionals' Attitudes and Practice of Sexual Health Care: Preliminary Study for Developing Training Program. FRONTIERS IN PUBLIC HEALTH, 2020.
간호대학생의 문화적 역량과 윤리적 민감성이 간호전문직관에 미치는 영향. JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN DATA ANALYSIS SOCIETY, 2020.
남자 간호대학생의 성별 친화적 교육환경과 의사소통능력이 대학생활적응에 미치는 영향. 한국간호교육학회지, 2020.
Educational needs for new graduate nurses in Korea. NURSE EDUCATION IN PRACTICE, 2019.
The effectiveness of virtual reality for people with mild cognitive impairment or dementia: a meta-analysis. BMC PSYCHIATRY, 2019.
Campus Life Adaptation Scale for nursing undergraduates: Development and psychometric evaluation. NURSE EDUCATION TODAY, 2019.
Depression and Life Satisfaction among Parents Caring for Individuals with Developmental Disabilities in South Korea. JOURNAL OF DEVELOPMENTAL AND PHYSICAL DISABILITIES, 2019.
Psychometric properties of the geriatric quality of life-dementia in older adults with dementia or mild cognitive impairment living in nursing homes. BMC GERIATRICS, 2019.
Psychometric Properties of the Korean Dispositional Hope Scale Using the Rasch Analysis in Stroke Patients. OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY INTERNATIONAL, 2019.
A review of the curriculum development process of simulation-based educational intervention studies in Korea. NURSE EDUCATION TODAY, 2018.
Online-based interventions for sexual health among individuals with cancer: a systematic review. BMC HEALTH SERVICES RESEARCH, 2018.
The factor structure of the Dispositional Hope Scale in hemiplegic stroke patients. JOURNAL OF MENTAL HEALTH, 2017.
Predicting health-related quality of life in cancer patients receiving chemotherapy: a structural equation approach using the self-control. BMC HEALTH SERVICES RESEARCH, 2017.
An analysis of depressive symptoms in stroke survivors: Verification of a moderating. BMC PSYCHIATRY, 2017.
Development and evaluation of a clinical simulation for new graduate nurses: A multi-site. NURSE EDUCATION TODAY, 2017.
Effects of a sexual health care nursing record on the attitudes and practice of oncology nurses, SEXUAL & REPRODUCTIVE HEALTHCARE, 2016.
Effectiveness of simulation-based nursing education depending on fidelity: a meta-analysis, BMC MEDICAL EDUCATION, 2016.
기본간호학 학습성과와 교육방법, 기본간호학회지, 2016.
병원 간호사의 감정노동 관련 변인에 관한 메타분석, 기본간호학회지. 2016.
An analysis of self-esteem in stroke survivors: The interaction between gender, income, and the presence of a spouse, JOURNAL OF MENTAL HEALTH, 2016.
간호시뮬레이션 활용현황 및 실태 연구, 한국간호시뮬레이션학회지, 2016.
Factors related to suicidal ideation in stroke patients in South Korea, JOURNAL OF MENTAL HEALTH, 2016.
Predictors of Sexual Adjustment in Cancer Patients Receiving Chemotherapy. Journal of Psychosocial Oncology, 2015.
Attitudes, Intentions, and Barriers Toward Influenza Vaccination Among Pregnant Korean Women.
Health Care for Women International, 2015.
The Effectiveness of Psychoeducational Interventions Focused on Sexuality in Cancer. Cancer Nursing, 2015.
Traditional Yangsaeng oriental health promotion in patients with cardiovascular disease.
International Nursing Review, 2015.
Mediating effect of self-control in relation to depression, stress, and activities of daily living in community residents with stroke. Journal of Physical Therapy Science, 2015.
노인의 섬망, 치매 및 우울 선별에 대한 근거중심 실무지침 수용개작. 노인간호학회지, 2015.
Falls and Use of Assistive Devices in Stroke Patients with Hemiparesis: Association with Balance Ability and Fall Efficacy. Rehabilitation Nursing, 2015.
뇌졸중 환자의 재발염려에 영향을 미치는 요인. 기본간호학회지, 2015.
국내 간호학 학회지에 출판된 구조방정식모형 연구의 방법론적 질 평가. 대한간호학회지, 2015.
Effectiveness of patient simulation in nursing education: Meta-analysis. Nurse Education Today, 2015.
Development and psychometric evaluation of a sexual health care knowledge scale for oncology nurses.
Sexual & Reproductive Healthcare, 2014.
Effects of an online problem-based learning program on sexual health care competencies among oncology nurses: a pilot study. Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing, 2014.
기본간호학회지에 출판된 비무작위 실험연구의방법론적 질 평가. 기본간호학회지, 2014.
암 환자의 성별에 따른 성행동과 성만족 변화. 여성건강간호학회지, 2014.
Balance self-efficacy in relation to balance and activities of daily living in community residents with stroke.
Disability and Rehabilitation, 2014.
The Effect of Problem-Based Learning in Nursing Education: A Meta-Analysis. Advanced in Health Science Education, 2013.
Effects of a Web-based Stroke Education Program on Recurrence Prevention Behaviors among Stroke Patients: A Pilot Study. Health Education Research, 2013.